Here is an entry from my journal: "It's been another challenging day at work, and I can't help but feel a bit drained. The ongoing tension with Alex, my coworker, seems to resurface no matter how much I try to smooth things over. It started over a small misunderstanding a few months ago, but it's grown into something I can't seem to escape. Alex often contradicts my ideas in meetings, and there's this palpable sense of competition that I just don't want to be a part of. I've tried to approach them for a frank discussion, but it always ends up being more about proving a point than actually resolving our differences. Today was particularly tough. During the team meeting, I presented an idea I'd been working on for weeks, only to have Alex immediately question its viability in front of everyone. It wasn't the constructive criticism that bothered me; it was the dismissive tone and the barely concealed smirks. It felt like more than just professional disagreement; it felt personal. I don't want to let this affect my work, but it's hard to stay motivated when there's this constant undercurrent of hostility. I know I should probably talk to our manager about it, but I'm worried that it might make things worse or that I'll be seen as unable to handle my own work relationships. I'm not sure what the best course of action is, but I hope I can find a way to either mend this relationship with Alex or find a way to work around it without compromising my own peace of mind." Here is a list of projects I’ve been thinking about. Can you help me prioritize? - Writing a book - Starting a YouTube channel - Start publishing the newsletter twice a week instead of once a week - Host an in-person conference - Produce a series of podcast episodes interviewing researchers in organizational psychology - Create an online course to help people build their personal productivity system