Stay in the know and discover your next big idea with The Hustle

Welcome to this edition of our interview series, where we talk to founders on a mission to help us think better without sacrificing our mental health. Brad Wolverton is the Director of Content at The Hustle, one of the fastest-growing newsletters in the world, read by millions of ambitious professionals and innovators.

In this interview, we talked about the power of authentic storytelling, how to engage an audience on different levels, how to blend information and entertainment, and more. Enjoy the read!

The Hustle

Hi Brad, thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. More than 2 million people subscribe to The Hustle. In an online world dominated by social media, how do you explain the popularity of your newsletter?

I think the popularity of The Hustle newsletter comes down to two things: our focus on quality content, and our commitment to delivering that content in a fun, punchy way. Our editorial approach dictates that we only cover the top business and tech stories of the day.

We don’t publish anything that isn’t newsworthy, and we only share content that we think is worth your time. But we also try to add a little bit of humor and personality to each email, so it’s not just another dry news update. This approach has earned us a lot of trust from our readers.

That combination has been really successful in attracting a large, engaged audience.

What can readers expect when they subscribe to The Hustle?

Every morning, you can expect to find a mix of news, analysis, and original reporting, all delivered in a concise and easily digestible format.

We know our reader’s time is precious, which is why we’ll never waste yours with clickbait or fluff. Instead, we focus on bringing our readers the weirdest, wildest, newest stories in business, money, and tech – what to learn from them, and how to capitalize on them.

What do you think makes The Hustle different from other newsletters?

What sets The Hustle apart from other newsletters is our approach to storytelling. We believe that business and tech news doesn’t have to be boring, so we add a little bit of humor and personality to each email.

Rather than just regurgitating the day’s news, our editorial team keeps a constant pulse on everything going on in business and tech to deliver stories that you won’t find elsewhere.

Our blend of information, entertainment and authenticity is what keeps our reader’s coming back for more each day.

Is there anything else about The Hustle that you’re particularly proud of?

There are a few things that I’m really proud of when it comes to The Hustle. First and foremost, our team’s ability to consistently produce quality content that engages our audience on different levels. 

We’re always looking for new ways to connect with our readers, by experimenting with new formats and content including the addition of two new podcasts, The Hustle Daily Show and My First Million.

I’m also proud of the community we’ve built around The Hustle. We have an incredibly engaged and passionate audience, and I think that’s a testament to the audience-centered approach we take in everything we do.

What kind of people read The Hustle?

The Hustle’s readership is composed of ambitious professionals and innovators who want to stay up-to-date on the latest in tech and business. 

The Hustle provides an invaluable resource for these readers, delivering cutting-edge information and insights that help them stay ahead of the curve.

And finally… What’s next for The Hustle?

The Hustle is always exploring new ways to engage with our readers. Our new podcast, The Hustle Daily Show, is a great way to connect with our audience and share the latest news and trends in business and entrepreneurship. We’re also working on new content and features, so stay tuned!

Thank you for your time, Brad. Where can people learn more about The Hustle?

Thank you! You can sign up to the newsletter on our website, and receive our latest updates on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

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