Knowledge Base

The Affliction of Abundance

You’re about to launch a new product, but you can’t decide on the tech stack. You’ve been researching for weeks, worried that you might miss out on the perfect solution. Sounds familiar? This is FOBO – the Fear of a Better Option. It’s the lesser-known cousin of FOMO, and it might be secretly sabotaging your … Read More

Ness Labs Best Books of June 2024

Welcome to our June selection! This month, we explore the intriguing topics of dreams, Stoic virtues, revolutionary technologies, neuroplasticity, and ambitious creativity. You’ll learn how understanding the power of dreams can improve your daily life, the importance of justice in achieving true greatness, and the transformative potential of emerging technologies. You’ll also discover strategies for … Read More

Temporal Curiosity: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future

The idea of time travel has captivated human imagination for centuries. In H.G. Wells’ classic 1895 novel The Time Machine, the protagonist invents a device that allows him to travel through time, exploring the distant future. While we may still be far from physically traversing time, there is a way to embark on a temporal … Read More

Presenteeism: The Hidden Productivity Killer

Much has been written about the cost of absenteeism, with some calling it The Bottom-Line Killer. For entrepreneurs who don’t have a boss tracking their work hours, absenteeism may simply mean being checked out and not showing up. But there’s a hidden productivity killer we should perhaps pay more attention to: presenteeism. Presenteeism is working … Read More

Environmental Psychology: How Your Surroundings Shape Your Mind

Look up from your screen for a second. Where are you right now? Do you feel comfortable, curious, a bit cramped? Notice how the environment around you affects your experience. Humans constantly change their environment, and in turn, the environment changes our behaviors. Environmental psychology focuses on the interplay between people and their surroundings: how … Read More

Ness Labs Best Books of May 2024

What should you read this month? This is your May 2024 guide to discovering the most insightful, inspiring, and transformative books on mindful productivity, creative growth, holistic ambition, and developing a healthier relationship with work.

From FOMO to JOMO: The Joy of Missing out

I’m lucky to live in a city where lots of stuff happens. There’s always a conference, an exhibition, a meetup. I never really struggle to find something to do. I also spend a lot of time on the Internet, so there are talks, live streams, and chats happening online. And then, of course, there are … Read More