From knowledge-management to knowledge-creation with the founders of RemNote

In this interview, we talked about the difference between storing knowledge in your head and storing knowledge in your external brain, the power of spaced repetition, the importance of long-term personal knowledge management, how to foster concept-driven thinking by breaking ideas into “mind-sized bites”, and more.

How to quantify our focus with the founder of Rize

As the saying goes, time is our most precious currency: once we spend it, it’s gone. Yet, somehow, we rarely make a conscious effort to better understand and manage how we spend our time. Sure, at a macro level, we may use a calendar, and try to make sure to carve time out to enjoy with our loved ones, to acquire new skills, and to explore the world. But what about the micro-level, the way we spend our precious minutes and seconds?

Building a knowledge garden with Kosmik

Discover the power of visual thinking with Kosmik, a unique tool for thought that offers an infinite canvas for your notes, media and web browsing. In this interview with the founders, learn how Kosmik’s decentralized and distributed features, granular sharing and ownership tracking, and offline-first approach can transform the way you approach knowledge work and boost your productivity.