Ness Labs Best Books of June 2024

Welcome to our June selection! This month, we explore the intriguing topics of dreams, Stoic virtues, revolutionary technologies, neuroplasticity, and ambitious creativity. You’ll learn how understanding the power of dreams can improve your daily life, the importance of justice in achieving true greatness, and the transformative potential of emerging technologies. You’ll also discover strategies for … Read More

How to better remember what you read

While most people—including scientists—agree on the benefits of reading books, not everyone seems to have been made equal when it comes to remembering their content. Some people (including my dad, who we call a Walking Wikipedia) are an endless source of insights, recalling every single detail long after they’re finished reading. Others, not so much.  … Read More

How to make more time to read

Many of us would like to have more time to read, but life can get in the way of picking up a book. You will find plenty of well-meaning advice online, such as “remove all social media apps from your phone”, “don’t watch TV in the evening”, but the recommendations are often unrealistic. So what … Read More

Interview: Using books to navigate life with Juvoni Beckford

A few months ago, a tweet popped up on my timeline, where Juvoni Beckford shared an incredible achievement: reading 450 books over the course of a decade. As someone who loves reading and thinks that everyone would benefit from reading more books—whether fiction or nonfiction—I was understandably impressed by Juvoni’s consistency. Juvoni Beckford is a … Read More