The state of personal knowledge management

Everyday, new tools for thought are launched. The personal knowledge management ecosystem is becoming incredibly complex. However, some visible trends are emerging: indie thinkers are making a living from conducting online research; tools are becoming more integrated; apps encourage active creation over passive collection of knowledge.

The State of Personal Knowledge Management

This 40-page report reviews the current state of the personal knowledge management ecosystem. It includes:

  • A directory of 120+ tools for thought with links to their respective landing pages
  • A competitive landscape of tools for thought
  • The 5 C’s of personal knowledge management
  • 3 examples of personal knowledge management stacks
  • 4 key trends in personal knowledge management
  • 3 opportunities for makers who want to leverage these trends

Who is this for?

Anyone who is curious about the ecosystem will find something interesting in this report, but you will find it particularly useful if you are:

  • A knowledge worker or researcher who wants to discover new tools for thought
  • An entrepreneur who wants to find new ideas for products in the space
  • An investor who wants to get a snapshot of the key trends and opportunities in PKM

How can I get it?

The report is free for Ness Labs yearly members. If you are a yearly member, just log in and come back to this page to read the report. If you are a monthly member, upgrade to a yearly membership to gain access. If you are not a member yet, grab a yearly membership ($50) and come back to this page.

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