How to better remember what you read

While most people—including scientists—agree on the benefits of reading books, not everyone seems to have been made equal when it comes to remembering their content. Some people (including my dad, who we call a Walking Wikipedia) are an endless source of insights, recalling every single detail long after they’re finished reading. Others, not so much.  … Read More

Ness Labs Best Books of October 2023

At Ness Labs, we understand the transformative power of knowledge. In a world inundated with content, finding truly impactful books can be a daunting task. That’s why, every month, we sift through the vast literary landscape to bring you books that stand out—books that have the potential to reshape the way you think about life, … Read More

Ness Labs Best Books of September 2023

At Ness Labs, we believe in the power of ideas and the profound impact of continuously feeding our minds with thoughtful content. Each month, we meticulously curate a selection of books that truly stand out in an ocean of new releases. This series aims to highlight the work that can serve as a compass to … Read More

Turning Fear of Failure into Increments of Curiosity

When I was younger, I badly wanted to live in Japan. Japan is a country with very strict immigration laws, but my university had an exchange program where you could go spend a semester and study in another country. There was only one problem: the Japanese university they had a partnership with was one of … Read More

The false promise of the 10,000 hour rule

Our culture loves experts. Whether it’s athletes, chefs, or musicians, some of the biggest celebrities are considered masters of their craft, and we admire the long hours they put into practicing over and over again the same skills so they could become second nature. In 2008, Malcolm Gladwell published his popular book Outliers, exploring why … Read More

Talent archetypes: What is the “shape” of your skills?

In the past, workplaces were filled with experts who each knew a lot about one specific area. The changing scope of businesses, with more fluidity between roles and responsibilities, later led to the rise of generalists — individuals who are capable across a lot of areas but do not need in-depth knowledge of any of … Read More

How to make more time to read

Many of us would like to have more time to read, but life can get in the way of picking up a book. You will find plenty of well-meaning advice online, such as “remove all social media apps from your phone”, “don’t watch TV in the evening”, but the recommendations are often unrealistic. So what … Read More