Temporal Curiosity: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future

The idea of time travel has captivated human imagination for centuries. In H.G. Wells’ classic 1895 novel The Time Machine, the protagonist invents a device that allows him to travel through time, exploring the distant future. While we may still be far from physically traversing time, there is a way to embark on a temporal … Read More

The Shiny Toy Syndrome: When We Chase Novelty at Work

You’re at your desk, ready to write an article. A quick mind map might help organize your thoughts, so you start scribbling in your notebook. But then, a nagging thought arises: isn’t there a better tool out there? Before you know it, you’re searching for alternatives and watching tutorials. Hours slip by, and your article … Read More

The Self-Motivation Toolkit: How to Stay Curious and Committed

Motivation is a fickle friend. One day, you’re bursting with energy and enthusiasm, tackling your projects with a sense of flow. The next, you find yourself stuck in a rut, struggling to muster the drive to get anything done. It’s a frustrating cycle that can leave you feeling helpless and unproductive. This is especially true … Read More

The Curiosity Conflict: Why we Struggle to Shift from Exploration to Exploitation

Do you always find yourself excited by new ideas and projects? Being naturally curious, you enjoy learning, discovering new insights, and developing your skills. Your curiosity is one of your greatest strengths, driving you to explore and grow. But that same curiosity can be a double-edged sword. With so many ideas competing for your attention, … Read More

The Curiosity Matrix: 9 Habits of Curious Minds

All healthy human babies and young children display curiosity, suggesting this is an innate human trait. Exploring our environment and babbling questions appear almost universal in early childhood across cultures. As an adaptive trait, curiosity draws us to seek information and new experiences. It’s how we learn about ourselves, others, and the world. However, research … Read More

Announcing the Winners of the Experimental Grants

Posted on February 8th, 2024 A month ago, I announced that I would celebrate my 34th birthday by giving away $3400 to help four people become scientists of their own life. I encouraged people to submit proposals for a personal experiment they wanted to run, where $850 would help make it happen. To maximize positive … Read More

Some hard truths about soft skills

For generations, hard skills have been prioritized over soft skills. Today, engineering and computer science education still places a strong emphasis on building technical expertise through math, science, and programming courses, with little attention paid to fostering interpersonal abilities. Many parents and educators still operate under the assumption that academic achievement and hard skills should … Read More