Knowledge Base

An introduction to applied neuroscience

There are many different fields of research in neuroscience. Molecular and cellular neuroscience explores how neurons express and respond to molecular signals, and how they process signals at a physiological and electrochemical level. Cognitive and behavioural neuroscience explores the neurobiological processes that underlie cognition and behaviour. Computational neuroscience uses mathematical models to understand the features … Read More

How to manage “Can I pick your brain?” requests

You open your inbox, see an email from someone unfamiliar, read it, and see the dreaded “Can I pick pick your brain?” request. No context, no offer to compensate you for your time, just this vague demand to extract value from you without contributing anything in return. What are some ways you can reply to … Read More

Authority bias: when we irrationally trust the judgement of experts

Whether it’s a doctor, a financial advisor, or a manager, we sometimes apply whatever an authority figure tells us to do, despite knowing that their recommended approach is inefficient, wrong, and potentially even dangerous. Why is that? One explanation is the authority bias. The authority bias is our tendency to be more influenced by the … Read More

Distance learning, e-learning, online learning, or virtual learning?

Many people use the terms “distance learning”, “e-learning”, “online learning”, and “virtual learning” interchangeably. E-learning, online learning, and virtual learning all fall into the umbrella concept of technology-enhanced learning. However, they mean different things, and all focus on a different aspect of education. In order to distinguish them, it’s useful to think about where and … Read More

Solving the biggest productivity bottleneck with Richie Bonilla, co-founder of Clarity

In this interview, we talked about how our tools are the biggest bottleneck to our productivity and creativity; why remote teams require strong written communication; the power of storing, organizing, sharing, and resurfacing relevant notes; how Clarity managed to combine freeform documents, structured project management, and a knowledge graph; and much more.

How to harness the power of self-affirmation

What are your values? Who are you? Such complex questions, and yet, few people spend enough time defining their sense of self. As a result, they answer with polite conversation ice-breakers, perhaps providing their name and their occupation. Beyond knowing yourself better, a strong sense of self has many benefits, including better performance and better … Read More