Knowledge Base

The boredom paradox: how to turn boredom to your advantage

When did you last feel bored? Was it during a never-ending Zoom call, or one hour into a mind-numbing dinner party conversation?  Although many assume boredom reflects our increased leisure time and reliance on technology, people have complained about boredom since ancient times. For instance, the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote of the restlessness of boredom, … Read More

Decision anxiety: how to make decisions when feeling anxious

Have you noticed that sometimes you can make decisions in an instant, but at other times the choice feels overwhelming? Anxiety can reduce your willingness to take risks, leading to a phenomenon known as decision anxiety. Decision anxiety causes a fear of making the wrong choice and later suffering the consequences. This may cause you … Read More

An introduction to applied neuroscience

There are many different fields of research in neuroscience. Molecular and cellular neuroscience explores how neurons express and respond to molecular signals, and how they process signals at a physiological and electrochemical level. Cognitive and behavioural neuroscience explores the neurobiological processes that underlie cognition and behaviour. Computational neuroscience uses mathematical models to understand the features … Read More

Authority bias: when we irrationally trust the judgement of experts

Whether it’s a doctor, a financial advisor, or a manager, we sometimes apply whatever an authority figure tells us to do, despite knowing that their recommended approach is inefficient, wrong, and potentially even dangerous. Why is that? One explanation is the authority bias. The authority bias is our tendency to be more influenced by the … Read More