Knowledge Base

Procrastination triggers: eight reasons why you procrastinate

Productivity systems often focus on how to do the work. However, it is crucial to understand why we are struggling to do the work in the first place. Often, our procrastination triggers are emotional rather than rational, which makes it hard to analyse them in an objective way. Learning about the most common triggers can … Read More

The Praise Paradox: when well-​intended words backfire

Most people would agree: praise is one of the most effective ways to build children’s self-esteem. We are told to be generous with our praise, and to find as many opportunities as possible to praise children so they feel good, learn better, and perform well. It’s such common knowledge, we don’t even question it. But … Read More

Building an infinite canvas for your thoughts with Julia Pierce, Director at Scapple

Discover Scapple, the virtual sheet of paper that lets you connect your ideas using lines and arrows. In this interview with Julia Pierce, learn about the benefits of mind mapping, effective idea connections, and the power of simplicity in design. Explore how Scapple can help you build an infinite canvas for your thoughts and work in a distraction-free environment to boost your creativity and productivity.

Decision fatigue: how a burden of choices leads to irrational trade-offs

Have you ever felt like you are too tired to make the right choice between several options, especially after a long series of decisions? Decision fatigue can lead to poor choices and irrational trade-offs in decision making. It refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions after a long session of decision making. Too many decisions … Read More

The Seven Sins of Memory

“Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist,” once said French author Guy de Maupassant. Whether it’s short-term memory allowing us to perform simple calculations on the fly, long-term memory which can store larger quantities of information, sometimes for a whole life span, … Read More