How to use Google Sheets to create a life dashboard

Many productivity experts will recommend specific tools to better manage your work and your life. The truth is: you probably don’t need yet another app. I have been using Google Sheets for years to organise many areas of my life. Here is a step-by-step tutorial to get started with Google Sheets as a productivity tool … Read More

Roam Research: a simple input to output flow

Want to write an original article but still at the idea stage? This step-by-step tutorial will teach you a simple method to go from research idea to original article. One of the best ways to learn is through the generation effect. Creating your own material based on what you want to learn activates your semantic … Read More

Roam Research and mindframing for world curation

So many aspirations, so little time. I initially designed the mindframing method to achieve specific goals, such as learning how to code or running a marathon. Mindframing consists in breaking down long-term projects into four different phases: pact, act, react, impact. And I think it’s perfect for exploring and expanding on new topics—basically curating the … Read More