Your brain on cortisol

In humans, stress can be defined as an actual or anticipated disruption of homeostasis in an individual (Ulrich-Lai & Herman, 2009). The brain plays a central role in the experience of stressful events and the regulation of stress: it adapts to stress both functionally and structurally, and dictates how individuals cope with stress (McEwen & … Read More

What’s the impact of deinstitutionalisation on patient outcomes?

Deinstitutionalisation – which can be defined as the diversion of people with a mental disorder to community mental health services, reducing the population of psychiatric hospitals, the number of psychiatric bed-days, and broadening the responsibilities of other service entities such as general hospitals and residential care (Bachrach, 1989) – started in Italy in the 1960s … Read More

Randomised controlled trials in psychotherapy research

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are considered one of the most rigorous and scientific methodologies to determine whether a cause-effect relationship exists between treatment and outcome, allowing researchers to exclude the possibility that the association was caused by an alternative factor (Sibbald & Roland, 1998). The random allocation to intervention groups, or randomisation, renders the groups … Read More

Theory of mind and autism spectrum disorder

Theory of mind (Premack & Woodruff, 1978) is the ability to understand the contents of another person’s mind, including their knowledge, emotions, beliefs, and intentions (Kloo et al, 2010). It is essential for social cognition (Astington & Edward, 2010), referential communication (Sidera et al, 2018), and better theory of mind is associated with better social interaction skills … Read More