Knowledge Base

Design Better Habits, Routines, and Rituals with the Intentionality Curve

Making your bed in the morning, that first cup of coffee, grabbing a croissant on your way to work, listening to your favorite podcast on the train… As much as we wish for each day to be different, repeating some of the same actions is an important part of our lives. Researchers have found that … Read More

Is it burnout or boreout?

By most standards, I work a lot. Between running a company, pursuing a Ph.D., speaking at events, and writing a book, my days are filled with work. My friends sometimes comment that I work too much. But it doesn’t feel this way. I do work a lot, but not too much. I know because I … Read More

Ness Labs Best Books of September 2023

At Ness Labs, we believe in the power of ideas and the profound impact of continuously feeding our minds with thoughtful content. Each month, we meticulously curate a selection of books that truly stand out in an ocean of new releases. This series aims to highlight the work that can serve as a compass to … Read More

Supercharge your research with Alec Nguyen, co-founder of Afforai

Alec Nguyen is the co-founder of Afforai, an AI tool to perform research and interact with documents. He is now on a mission to make AI tools more accessible to people, whatever their background. In this interview, we talked about privacy and security in the AI industry, why multilingual support is paramount for inclusive AI, the importance of reliability for knowledge workers, and much more.

Self-Anthropology: Become your own anthropologist with personal field notes

When was the last time you stopped to truly observe your own life? Turning an anthropological lens on yourself might feel strange, but it can lead to invaluable insights, allowing you to uncover patterns, gain self-knowledge, and imagine new possibilities. Anthropologists ask fundamental questions such as: What does it mean to live in our world … Read More

You Don’t Need to Choose

“I’ve decided to take it easy at work this year and focus on myself.” I’ve recently been hearing variations of this sentence over and over again. Magazines are publishing stories about “the end of ambition” and how more people are taking extended sabbaticals. It seems like we need to make a constant choice between our … Read More

Interoceptive Journaling

Interoceptive journaling is a mindfulness practice that involves recording and reflecting upon one’s own bodily sensations. It’s an intentional way of tuning into the often subtle signals our bodies send us, ranging from hunger pangs and heartbeats to flutters of anxiety in the stomach or warm waves of contentment. By deliberately writing about these internal … Read More

Interoception: The hidden ‘sixth sense’

“See, hear, smell, taste, touch… With our five senses, we can learn so much!” You’ve probably heard some variation of this nursery rhyme. Most languages have their own version, walking kids through each of their senses. But those songs paint an incomplete picture of our sensory system, for they only include our outward-facing senses, which … Read More